I am an assistant professor at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, and a member of EduQuant. My research focuses on what drives education choice, social mobility, and labor market matching. Some of my ongoing projects study the socio-economic differences in returns to field of study, multigenerational effects of educational reforms, and firm-student matching in apprenticeship markets.
I have advised the Danish Ministry of Education as a member of EduQuant, been an invited presenter as a national expert on vocational education at the OECD/Cedefop, and worked as a short-term consultant for the World Bank. During my PhD and Postdoc I was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Department of Social Policy at the LSE, UMass Amherst, and CEBI at the University of Copenhagen.
Contact: jesper.eriksen@econ.ku.dk
Ongoing Research
Making Firms Train: Empirical evidence from Danish incentive reforms (with Mette Ejrnæs)
The Price of Inclusion?: Impacts of Mainstream Classroom Education for Disabled Students and their Peers (with Laura Caron and Jeppe Johansen)
School Peers and Education Choice (with Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen)
Heterogeneous Returns to Fields of Study (with Kristian Bernt Karlson and Mikkel Høst Gandil)
Causal Grandparents? (with Mads Meier Jæger and Kristian Bernt Karlson)
Recognition, information, and choice
Refugees and Intergenerational Mobility
Peer Effects in Vocational Education and Training (with Shaun Dougherty)
- Submitted. Annenberg Institute working paper
Firm Innovation and Continuing Education. Eriksen J. & J. R. Holm (2021). In Globalization, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development – The Danish Innovation System in Transition, Routledge. Preprint.
The Geography of Intergenerational Mobility - Danish Evidence. Eriksen, J. & M. D. Munk (2020). Economics Letters, Vol. 189, 109024. Preprint, Supplementary data (Dataverse).
Time-Series Cross-Section Analyser i Komparativ Politisk Økonomi. Eriksen J. & S. Etzerodt (2018). Metode og Forskningsdesign, Vol. 3. Paper, Supplementary files (Github).
Udsyn I Udskolingen – Kvantitativ Evaluering af Læringsorienteret Uddannelses-vejledning. Eriksen, J., Thomsen, R. & Reimer, D. (2021). DPU, Aarhus Universitet. Report.
The Importance of GPA Requirements for VET and Low-Income Students. Eriksen, J, & Dougherty, S. (2021), p. 132-143. In The Next Steps for Apprenticeship, edited by Cedefop/OECD. Cedefop Reference Series; No 118. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Report.
Educated Cities and Regional Centralization: Spatial Trends in Students’ Location in Denmark, 1982-2013, Eriksen, J. (2017). Center for Research on Regional Dynamics and Inequality, Aalborg University. Report