*Jesper Eriksen*

I am an assistant professor at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, and a member of EduQuant. My research focuses on what drives education choice, social mobility, and labor market matching. Some of my ongoing projects study the socio-economic differences in returns to field of study, multigenerational effects of educational reforms, and firm-student matching in apprenticeship markets.

I have previously advised the Danish Ministry of Education as a member of EduQuant, been an invited presenter as a national expert on vocational education at the OECD/Cedefop, and worked as a short-term consultant for the World Bank. During my PhD and Postdoc I was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Department of Social Policy at the LSE, UMass Amherst, and CEBI at the University of Copenhagen.

Contact: jesper.eriksen@econ.ku.dk

Ongoing Research


  1. Firm Innovation and Continuing Education. Eriksen J. & J. R. Holm (2021). In Globalization, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development – The Danish Innovation System in Transition, Routledge. Preprint.

  2. The Geography of Intergenerational Mobility - Danish Evidence. Eriksen, J. & M. D. Munk (2020). Economics Letters, Vol. 189, 109024. Preprint, Supplementary data (Dataverse).

  3. Time-Series Cross-Section Analyser i Komparativ Politisk Økonomi. Eriksen J. & S. Etzerodt (2018). Metode og Forskningsdesign, Vol. 3. Paper, Supplementary files (Github).


  1. Udsyn I Udskolingen – Kvantitativ Evaluering af Læringsorienteret Uddannelses-vejledning. Eriksen, J., Thomsen, R. & Reimer, D. (2021). DPU, Aarhus Universitet. Report.

  2. The Importance of GPA Requirements for VET and Low-Income Students. Eriksen, J, & Dougherty, S. (2021), p. 132-143. In The Next Steps for Apprenticeship, edited by Cedefop/OECD. Cedefop Reference Series; No 118. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Report.

  3. Educated Cities and Regional Centralization: Spatial Trends in Students’ Location in Denmark, 1982-2013, Eriksen, J. (2017). Center for Research on Regional Dynamics and Inequality, Aalborg University. Report